A strong knowledge base
Academic Quality Agency for New Zealand Universities (AQA)
The Academic Quality Agency is an independent body established and owned by Universities New Zealand, which reviews academic quality monitoring systems and advises on good practice and quality-assurance issues.
Adult and Community Education
ACE Aotearoa
Adult and Community Education (ACE) Aotearoa Incorporated (ACE Aotearoa) is a professional development body of networks of adult and community educators. ACE Aotearoa supports the sector to deliver centrally coordinated, structured learning.
ACE Aotearoa Sector Capability Building Funding
ACE Aotearoa Sector Capability Building Funding is to enable ACE Aotearoa to perform three roles and achieve the outcomes of strategic sector leadership, sector capability building, and sector co-ordination.
Achievement standard
A nationally registered set of learning outcomes and associated assessment criteria. Achievement standards are derived from the New Zealand Curriculum.
Actual average duration offset
Recalculates STMs adjusting funding where learners have been enrolled longer, on average, than the estimate (the nominal duration) made by the ITO.
Adult and Community Education (ACE)
Provides community-based education, foundation skills and pathways into other learning opportunities that meet the needs of the community.
Adult and Community Education Aotearoa Incorporated
Adult and Community Education (ACE) Aotearoa Incorporated (ACE Aotearoa) is a professional development body of networks of adult and community educators. ACE Aotearoa supports the sector to deliver centrally coordinated, structured learning.
Adult Literacy Educator Fund
Provides support for educators studying for qualifications in teaching adult literacy and numeracy.