Learner Success Framework
Anga Kia Angitu ai te Ākonga
Tertiary education organisations (TEOs) can use and adapt this approach to intentionally design and implement a learner-centric operating model.
He huarahi e wātea ana ki ngā whakahaere mātauranga matua (ngā TEO) ki te whakamahi, kia taketake ai te noho a ngā tukanga hou e kaha ake ai te aronga ki ngā ākonga.
A Learner Success Framework for Aotearoa New Zealand
We have developed and tested a Learner Success Framework for Aotearoa New Zealand, based on robust evidence. This Framework has been updated as a result of feedback from partner TEOs and project evaluation.
The Framework is a blueprint for change. It provides TEOs with an approach for putting learners at the heart of what they do, and is designed to address biases and disparities that have led to specific learner groups being under-served.
The learner is at the centre of the Framework
The learner is at the heart of this approach, so across the whole tertiary education system, the question is continually asked: what will this mean for learners? TEOs need to know who their learners are, and ask these questions:
- Where do our learners come from?
- What do they do outside of tertiary education?
- What else could be happening in their lives?
- What do they need to succeed?
- What do we do that works for them?
- What do we do that doesn’t?
TEOs can then start thinking about how they design and implement everything they do to maximise learner success.

Core elements of the framework
Download a PDF version of the complete Learner Success Framework (PDF 538 KB)
Text version of the Learner Success Framework diagram
Tools and resources to help you move through the phases of the Framework
Preparing for Success - Use these resources to gain an understanding of the learner success journey ahead and build commitment for change.
Learner Success Diagnostic Tool - A downloadable tool for tertiary education organisations (TEOs) to facilitate discussions about equity and identifying focus areas for developing your own learner success approach.
An intentional and holistic approach to learner success is required
The second phase of the Framework – the Learner Success Diagnostic – assesses TEOs’ current state against specific learner success capabilities. These are the key elements TEOs need to get right to enable learners to succeed – whatever that looks like for each learner. The key elements are:
- people, culture and leadership – the commitment and collaboration of the TEO’s leadership to culturally conscious learner success for all, a clear vision for desired change, and a whole-of-organisation approach
- data and technology – the ability to ethically collect, assess, analyse and use data to inform decisions, and to use technology to support learner success for all
- guided pathways – clear and relevant educational pathways, from first engagement to employment, that foster learner success for all
- holistic learner supports – planning and integrating critical learner, academic and personal supports into a seamless, culturally conscious, timely experience designed with and for every learner
- learner-centric systems – policies and practices that improve outcomes for learners, and processes for reviewing and aligning policies and practices to remove barriers and enable learner success (including drawing from the evidence base of Māori/Indigenous and diverse learner success practices)
- teaching and learning – implementation of learner-centric instructional design, meaningful professional development, and learning environments and contexts to be effective and culturally conscious, including kaupapa Māori-designed environments
- partnerships – the development and support of partnerships between the TEO and relevant employers/industry, learners, family and whānau, hapū, iwi and community groups, social agencies and education providers.

Core elements of the key capability areas
Text version of the Learner Success Diagnostic: 7 key areas of capability diagram
More information
- For more information on the Ōritetanga Learner Success approach please contact your Relationship Manager Investment or call our Customer Contact Group on 0800 601 301
- Learner success projects: These TEO projects are helping to test components of the Learner Success Framework