Enhancing the vocational qualifications system
Te whakamāmā i ngā tohu ahumahi
The New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) is the custodian of the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework. NZQA is responsible for ensuring that New Zealand qualifications are trusted and serve the needs of learners and industry.
The New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) is the custodian of the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework. NZQA is responsible for ensuring that New Zealand qualifications are trusted and serve the needs of learners and industry.
The structure and components of vocational qualifications enable a seamless transition for learners between workplace, online and in-class study. They also support the needs of industry by enhancing the consistency of graduate skills and knowledge and making qualifications more portable across different regions and employers.
To enhance the vocational qualifications system, NZQA is working with Workforce Development Councils (WDCs) to:
- progressively replace unit standards with skill standards, which better describe the learning outcomes needed by industry
- enable a single New Zealand programme to be developed instead of multiple provider-developed programmes, improving consistency and reducing compliance costs
- promote the use of micro-credentials so small amounts of training can be recognised.
NZQA is also reviewing its approach to quality assurance to improve the efficiency of the system and reflect the role of WDCs.
For more information see New Zealand Qualifications Authority