Home-Based ECE Programme Development in Other Languages
Home-Based ECE Programme Development in Other Languages
Level 4 training resources for providers of home-based early childhood education (ECE) are now available in languages other than English and te reo Māori.
Level 4 training resources for providers of home-based early childhood education (ECE) are now available in languages other than English and te reo Māori.
In February 2019, the Government announced that the Level 4 ECE Certificate would become the minimum qualification for home-based educators, to achieve better educational outcomes for children. (See media release.)
Many home-based ECE educators serve migrant communities that are not proficient in English or te reo Māori. To help these educators meet future workforce requirements, new resources have been developed. (See ‘Home-Based ECE Review’ on the Ministry of Education Budget page).
You can now get Level 4 Home-Based ECE training resources in:
- Chinese Mandarin
- Korean
- Tongan
- Sāmoan
- Cook Islands Māori.
The Home-Based ECE Programme Development in Other Languages Fund supported their development by contributing to the costs of:
- programme development and contextualisation, including translating teaching resources
- resources for learning and assessment
- making the programme culturally appropriate
- fees for NZQA approval.
How to get the new training resources
To access these resources, please:
- contact customerservice@tec.govt.nz
- use the subject line [Request for Level 4 Home-Based ECE resources in other languages]
- be sure to include which language resources you need.