TEC-funded tertiary education data

TEC-funded tertiary education data

Last updated 25 July 2024
Last updated 25 July 2024

This page shows the latest delivery volume and funding details for our main funds.

The spreadsheet below shows TEC-funded tertiary education data submitted by tertiary education organisations (TEOs) through the Single Data Return (SDR) and the Industry Training Register (ITR). The data is broken down by the following funding groups:

  • Foundation education
  • Vocational education
  • Higher education.

It contains information on equivalent full-time students (EFTS) and funding for each TEO. We will update this data three times per year.

How to use the spreadsheet

Please read the “Information Sheet” before using the data. In the spreadsheet, click on the [+] button on the left of each sheet to see data at the TEO level (where applicable).

2023 and 2024 YTD funded tertiary education (XLSX 149 KB)