Eligibility – MPTT
Eligibility – MPTT
This page sets out organisation eligibility for Māori and Pasifika Trades Training (MPTT) consortium activities funding, consortium member responsibilities (including the lead consortium member responsibilities), and fees-top-ups and brokerage services funding.
This page sets out organisation eligibility for Māori and Pasifika Trades Training (MPTT) consortium activities funding, consortium member responsibilities (including the lead consortium member responsibilities), and fees-top-ups and brokerage services funding.
Consortium eligibility
For the full eligibility requirements, see the MPTT funding conditions for the relevant year.
To be eligible to receive MPTT consortium activities funding you must be the lead member of a consortium. An MPTT consortium consists, ideally, of at least one tertiary education organisation (TEO) funded for work-based learning, one TEO funded for provider-based learning (these may be the same TEO), employer representation, and at least one Māori and/or Pasifika entity.
Consortium activities
We allocate consortium activities funding based on intended learner numbers, and the capacity and performance of the consortium. Other factors, such as the stage of development of the consortium and the potential for economies of scale are also taken into account.
Consortium activities that we may agree to fund include:
- governance and project management
- coordinating the contributions of consortium members and other services to the development of learner capabilities
- employability skills training (MPTT employability activities) and licensing (eg, driver licensing) that complement DQ-funded programmes or Micro-credentials
- learner support (activities, equipment or other support that contribute to learner success in addition to the support ordinarily offered by the tertiary provider).
Fees top-ups & brokerage services eligibility
For the full eligibility requirements, see the MPTT funding conditions for the relevant year.
Fees top-ups and brokerage services funding contribute to achievement of the successful outcomes sought from MPTT.
We may fund:
- a consortium partner organisation for fees top-ups and brokerage services on a consortium’s behalf
- multiple consortium partner organisations for fees top-ups and/or brokerage services, and/or
- a consortium partner organisation for fees top-ups and brokerage services, allowing the consortium to subcontract with its own members, or other TEOs, for delivery of services such as brokerage.
Fees top-ups
MPTT funding for fees top-ups ensures consortium partner tertiary education organisations (TEOs) can make their Delivery at Levels 3-7 (non-degree) on the NZQCF and all industry training (DQ3-7) funded programmes of pre-trades training fees-free for MPTT learners.
TEOs that receive funding for fees top-ups must have an effective assessment process for determining literacy and numeracy needs of learners.
Additional guidance is available about:
- the importance of literacy and numeracy skills development in learners
- our literacy and numeracy expectations of TEOs
- literacy and numeracy best practice for TEOs
- resources and research findings, and
- the Literacy and Numeracy for Adults Assessment Tool.
Literacy and Numeracy for Adults Assessment Tool guidelines
Brokerage services and activities
Brokerage services funding supports connections between employers, consortia and partner/other TEOs in order to support MPTT learner progression.
We expect these activities to supplement existing brokerage and facilitation activities carried out by a consortium. A brokerage services funded TEO may pass on its funding to another organisation to carry out the services.
The brokerage services specified in the TEO’s funding confirmation documentation must be the brokerage services provided. These services may include:
- providing recruitment support, identifying pre-employment needs of learners, and their employment, training and career pathways
- tailoring pre-employment trades education provision to the needs and aspirations of MPTT learners, communities and potential employers
- matching MPTT learner talents and aspirations with employer skill requirements and career pathways
- facilitating relationships between MPTT learners, TEOs , potential employers and key industry stakeholders, and
- providing employment transition support for learners.
Career guidance
We expect consortium partner organisations to, collectively and individually, support each learner to recognise and develop the skills and competencies they need to manage their career in a trade.
See Consortia, and Project Kamehameha and Project Lumana'i (research commissioned by Careers New Zealand about design and delivery of career resources for Māori and Pasifika respectively).
Learner eligibility
For the full learner eligibility requirements, see the MPTT funding conditions for the relevant year.