We invest in a wide range of tertiary education organisations, and work closely with them to ensure that they deliver the best possible outcomes for New Zealanders. As well as providing insight into educational performance, this section includes information and resources for tertiary education organisations, including details about each of our funds.
Adult and Community Education (ACE) Professional Development builds sector capability by supporting ACE providers to gain additional teaching skills.
This page has information for tertiary education organisations (TEOs) on Pre-purchased English Language Tuition (PELT) for migrants.
This page provides information about schools’ reporting on Gateway delivery, and how we monitor their performance.
This page provides information on eligibility criteria and learner enrolment for Employer-led Workplace Literacy and Numeracy (EWLN) Fund funding.
This page provides information about how Equity Fund funding is set and payments are made
We provide most of our funding through a process that requires tertiary education organisations (TEOs) to submit an Investment Plan, although some funds are off-Plan and some TEOs are managed through a funding letter. This section explains our investment process and framework. It includes guidance and resources that cover most of our funding agreements.
The Tertiary Education Strategy (TES) sets out the long-term strategic direction for tertiary education. This strategy has been developed following consultation with the tertiary education sector and other stakeholders.
The Tertiary Education Commission is governed by a Board of Commissioners and led by an Executive Leadership Team.