Ōritetanga Tertiary Success for Everyone Conference
Ōritetanga Tertiary Success for Everyone Conference
Mā te mahi ngātahi, ka angitū – success requires all of us to play our part
We face a challenge. Learner success for all is paramount to a successful and thriving New Zealand. However, many learners, particularly Māori and Pacific peoples, face barriers that affect their participation and completion rates.
Mā te mahi ngātahi, ka angitū – success requires all of us to play our part
We face a challenge. Learner success for all is paramount to a successful and thriving New Zealand. However, many learners, particularly Māori and Pacific peoples, face barriers that affect their participation and completion rates.
To break down some of those barriers, we need to work together as a sector. The team at the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) brought together people from across the education sector and wider community at the Ōritetanga conference. This was an opportunity to learn, discuss and be motivated by local and international approaches that put learners at the centre of the tertiary education system.
Ōritetanga conference summary video
We are building on this conference by working with tertiary providers to build capability and leadership. This will include a wider discussion about the learner success approach and an eventual roll out across all tertiary providers. We will be progressively uploading videos and content from the conference on this page.
Let's create a tertiary education system that works for all
Conference speakers

Professor Tim Renick
Vice Provost and Vice President for Enrolment, Management and Student Success at Georgia State University

Dr Tristan Denley
Chief Academic Officer and Executive Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs
University System of Georgia

Dr Mereana Selby
Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāti Huia, Ngāti Porou
Tumuaki (Chief Executive)
Te Wānanga o Raukawa

Associate Professor Tracy Bowell
Pro Vice-Chancellor Teaching and Learning
University of Waikato

See all speakers 
Conference programme
Related Ōritetanga Learner Success coverage
RNZ website - Tertiary institutes look to tech firms to end ethnic disparity
TVNZ website - High hopes to get more Māori completing university
Contact details
For media enquiries, contact media@tec.govt.nz