Consultation on proposed changes to the vocational education and training (VET) system
Te whakawhitiwhiti kōrero mō ngā huringa e marohitia ana ki te pūnaha mātauranga ahumahi me te whakangungu (VET)
Targeted consultation on work-based learning changes.
Targeted consultation on work-based learning changes.
Late last year the Government consulted on two work-based learning options, with one proposal for only standards-setting bodies able to arrange industry training, with providers supporting off-job training, and one similar to the current model, with providers arranging and delivering work-based learning.
Following this consultation, another option was developed. The new option gives industry skills boards the pastoral care role for work-based learners, while providers continue to arrange and deliver work-based learning.
The Government is undertaking targeted consultation from 27 January to 21 February. Decisions on the work-based learning model will be made following this.
Groups to be included in the consultation will be contacted directly.
The consultation material can be found on the Ministry of Education website.