Student services fees

Student services fees

Last updated 2 October 2024
Last updated 2 October 2024

Tertiary education organisations (TEOs) can charge student services fees to help fund the costs of services and facilities that support learners and enhance their academic experience.

You must comply with conditions and requirements if you charge student services fees to domestic learners who are funded under the following funds:

  • Delivery at Levels 1 and 2 on the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework (NZQCF) (DQ1-2)
  • Delivery at Levels 3 to 7 (non-degree) on the NZQCF and all industry training (DQ3-7)
  • Delivery at Levels 7 (degree) to 10 on the NZQCF (DQ7-10).

The requirements for how student services fees are set and used aim to:

  • make sure providers are transparent in setting and administering student services fees
  • ensure learners are involved in decision-making when setting student services fees
  • set clear expectations on what services can be funded through the fee.

Regulations for student services fees are published in the funding mechanisms and are reflected in funding conditions for each year.

Funding mechanisms and delegations

Areas of compliance when setting student services fees

Which learners can be charged a compulsory fee

While most learners can be charged a compulsory student services fee, apprentices and trainees cannot be. Instead, you must give apprentices and trainees the opportunity to opt in to pay for access to student services. They can only be charged if they agree to it.

Involving learners in decision-making and consultation

You must establish arrangements so decisions on student services fees can be made jointly or in consultation with learners, including:

  • the amount charged (including charges for different categories of learners)
  • the types of services offered and who delivers them (within the permitted categories of student services the fees can support)
  • how these services will be procured and how expenditure will be authorised.

If you make decisions in consultation with learners rather than making a joint decision, you must ensure that:

  • the outcome is not predetermined
  • you communicate and publicise proposals
  • there is enough time for learners to consider and provide feedback
  • you give due consideration to learner feedback.

Accounting for student services fees

You must either hold all income and expenditure associated with student services fees in a separate bank account, or account for it separately within existing accounts.

Reporting on student services fees

Tertiary education institutions (TEIs) must provide information on all student services fees through their annual report.

Private training establishments (PTEs) must:

  • provide a written report to their students, and;
  • provide the TEC with a copy of that report no later than 14 days after it is provided to learners by sending a copy:
    • by post to:
      Requirements for Student Services Fees Submissions
      Monitoring and Crown Ownership
      The Tertiary Education Commission
      PO Box 27048
      Wellington 6141
    • or by email to:

Publishing student services fee information online

Student services fee information must be published on your website clearly and in an accessible location. This must include:

  • a description of the services funded
  • a statement of the fee income and expenditure for each type of student service
  • the student services fee charged per EFTS or academic year (however it is calculated)
  • a description of the current year’s decision-making process on student services fees, and
  • a description of how learners can be involved in decisions for the following year.

More guidance on student services fees

We have published guidance on student services fees to help providers to understand and comply with all relevant aspects of the funding conditions. This includes a more detailed breakdown of requirements, including the categories of services, and examples of how to involve learners in decision making.

Student services fees: Guidance for tertiary education providers (PDF 1.1 MB)