Refugee English Fund

Refugee English Fund

Last updated 31 May 2024
Last updated 31 May 2024

The Refugee English Fund supports refugees to reach a level of English that will allow them to enter employment or undertake their choice of vocational or degree-level education. 

The Refugee English Fund is a component of the English Language Teaching Fund (ELT) (formerly known as the Specialised English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)).

Through the Refugee English fund, we provide learners from a refugee background with additional literacy, numeracy and study skills support to help them progress to further study or employment.

Refugee English is a top up fund paid in addition to funding from the Delivery at Levels 3-7 (non-degree) on the New Zealand and Qualifications Framework and all industry training fund (DQ3-7).

The Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) determines and allocates Refugee English funding through the Investment Plan process.


 Key resources for Refugee English-funded programmes include: