English Language Teaching
English Language Teaching
The English Language Teaching – Intensive Literacy and Numeracy Fund (ELT) (formerly Specialised English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)) supports the intensive provision of high quality, fees-free English language literacy and numeracy learning opportunities for adult learners for whom English is a second language.
The English Language Teaching – Intensive Literacy and Numeracy Fund (ELT) (formerly Specialised English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)) supports the intensive provision of high quality, fees-free English language literacy and numeracy learning opportunities for adult learners for whom English is a second language.
We fund the English Language Teaching – Intensive Literacy and Numeracy Fund (ELT) (previously known as Specialised English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)) provision to increase opportunities for adult speakers of other languages, particularly migrants and refugees for whom English is a second language, to engage in literacy and numeracy learning.
We determine and allocate ELT Fund funding through the Investment Plan process.
Key resources for ELT funded programmes include: