Targeted implementation of the performance element – learner component
Targeted implementation of the performance element – learner component
The Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) has taken a phased approach to implementing the performance element of the learner component.
The Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) has taken a phased approach to implementing the performance element of the learner component.
The Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) has taken a phased approach to implementing the performance element of the learner component. In 2023, the performance element was implemented through a targeted approach with nine providers that deliver a significant amount of vocational education.
The nine providers were:
- Te Pūkenga
- NZ Management Academies Ltd
- NZ Tertiary College
- Cornerstone Education Ltd
- The Electrical Training Company
- Ignite Colleges
- Vertical Horizonz NZ Ltd
- Te Wānanga o Aotearoa.
TEC and the providers agreed to performance expectations through performance milestones, which account for 20 percent of the learner component funding. Performance element funding is paid once the milestones are achieved.
In 2023, providers not selected for the targeted implementation received performance element funding without needing to meet learner component-specific performance expectations.
From 2024, the learner component element applies to all providers. The performance expectations will be set in different ways for providers, based on their total learner component funding amount.