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Last updated 7 February 2020
Last updated 7 February 2020

There’s a lot happening across RoVE, so we’ve gathered up all the articles and updates you might have missed this month.

Regional Skills Leadership Groups

The team from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) has been talking to people across the country to help shape what the Regional Skills Leadership Groups could look like and how they could operate. Read an update about the progress on the RSLG page.

Centres of Vocational Excellence

Registrations of Interest for the Primary Sector and Construction CoVEs are now open.

Workforce Development Councils

To find out the details about the number of Workforce Development Councils and what each will cover, check the WDCs page. There’s also a useful factsheet (PDF 556 KB) with more information.

Te Pūkenga

Have you watched the video about creating a preferred name for the new Institute yet?

The new Chief Executive for Te Pūkenga has been appointed.

The News Section of the IST Establishment website is a great way to keep up to date on developments across the project and find out more about the people involved in the change.