Kawepūrongo, Whakawhitinga Kōrero
This section covers news relevant to tertiary education organisations. It includes TEC, government and TEO initiatives, changes to our funding or reporting, and sector trends and research. You will also find information on any open consultations, including those we are running on behalf of the Minister of Education.
Kei konei ngā kawepūrongo e hāngai ana ki ngā kura mātauranga matua. Ka whakawhāiti mai ngā kaupapa kei te kōkiritia e te Amorangi Mātauranga Matua (TEC), te kāwanatanga me ngā kura mātauranga matua, te panonitanga ā-pūtea tautoko, ā-pūrongo hoki, ngā ahunga hou a te rāngai me ngā mahi rangahau. Ka kitea hoki ngā pārongo mō ngā whakawhitinga kōrero tuwhera, tae atu ki ērā kei te whakahaeretia e mātou mō te taha ki te Minita Mātauranga Matua, Pūkenga me te Whai Mahi.
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Showing 321 - 323 of 323 results
Auditing is all about the evidence
Published 22 March 2017
For tertiary education organisations (TEOs) it can be daunting facing a TEC audit, especially if it’s their first time. But it can also be seen as an opportunity to confirm their processes are robust …
Productivity Commission releases its tertiary education report
Published 21 March 2017
The Productivity Commission has published its final report on its inquiry into New Models of Tertiary Education.
Ensuring effective use of the literacy and numeracy assessment tool
Published 27 February 2017
We shared Assessment Tool usage data last year and had subsequent conversations with tertiary education organisations (TEOs). This showed that while most TEOs are using the Literacy and Numeracy for A…