TTAF education and training – start and end dates
TTAF education and training – start and end dates
For programmes funded by the Student Achievement Component – Provision at Level 3 and above on the NZQF (SAC3+) Fund, that were eligible for the TTAF from 1 July 2020, the diagrams below explain which fees were covered, depending on start date. One diagram is for education providers and one for learners.
For programmes funded by the Student Achievement Component – Provision at Level 3 and above on the NZQF (SAC3+) Fund, that were eligible for the TTAF from 1 July 2020, the diagrams below explain which fees were covered, depending on start date. One diagram is for education providers and one for learners.
For programmes funded by the Student Achievement Component – Provision at Level 3 and above on the NZQF (SAC3+) Fund, that were eligible for the TTAF from 1 July 2020, the diagrams below explain which fees were covered, depending on start date. One diagram is for education providers and one for learners. Which fees were covered? - Start date diagram for providers (PDF 268 KB) Which fees were covered? - Start date diagram for learners (PDF 308 KB) For SAC3+ funded programmes that became eligible from 1 January 2021 as a result of the new targeted areas, the TTAF covered courses in eligible programmes and qualifications that started on or after 1 January 2021. This was the case even where the qualification or programme started before 1 January 2021, but included courses that started on or after that date. The TTAF covered 100 percent of the fees for courses in newly eligible programmes for 2021 that: The TTAF also covered 50 percent of the fees for courses in newly eligible programmes for 2021 that started between 1 July and 31 October 2020 where at least 50 percent but less than 75 percent of the course occurred after 1 January 2021. For industry-training-funded training in new targeted areas for 2021, the TTAF covered training that occurred from 1 January 2021 (as with the initial targeted areas). The TTAF ended on 31 December 2022. For more information, see our guidance for TEOs on the end of the TTAF (PDF 505 KB). What happened when the TTAF ended in December 2022? The TTAF covered fees for training and assessment that occurred up to 31 December 2022. The TEC was unable to pay the full fees for programmes that continued beyond this date. We apportioned fees based on the portion of the course that occurred before 31 December 2022, based on the total number of days in the course. The remaining portion was payable by the learner. However, the TTAF covered the full fees where: The TEC paid 100 percent of any compulsory student services fees associated with enrolments that started in 2022 (ie, we did not apportion the CSSF). How did the TEC determine the amount? The TEC determined the TTAF and learner portions based on course start and end dates as recorded in the SDR, and course fees as recorded in STEO. These amounts are reflected in the My Targeted Training and Apprenticeships app in Ngā Kete. What about learners that may be covered by Fees Free? Learners may be able to access Fees Free for fees that are not covered by the TTAF, where their course continued into 2023. Learners will need to meet the eligibility criteria for 2023, and the course they are enrolled in must also meet the eligibility criteria. Learners can check their eligibility on the Fees Free website. Any study or training covered by the TTAF will not affect a learner’s future eligibility for Fees Free, nor will it have used any of their Fees Free entitlement while the TTAF was covering the fees. What happened when the TTAF ended in December 2022? The TTAF covered fees for training and assessment that occurred up to 31 December 2022. The TEC was unable to pay the full fees for programmes of study that continued beyond this date. TEOs were expected to charge fees via the TTAF Fees Actuals submission only for training until 31 December 2022. For fees that covered periods beyond this date (eg, one-off programme enrolment fees or annual fees), these were apportioned based on the percentage of days or months that occurred before 31 December 2022. From 1 January 2023, funding for Industry Training returned to its pre-TTAF state, ie, any fees relating to training are covered by the learner and/or their employer. What about learners that may be covered by Fees Free? Learners may be able to access Fees Free for fees that are not covered by the TTAF, where their programme continues into 2023. Learners will need to meet the eligibility criteria for 2023, and the programme they are enrolled in must also meet the eligibility criteria. Learners can check their eligibility on the Fees Free website. Any study or training covered by the TTAF will not affect a learner’s future eligibility for Fees Free, nor will it have used any of their Fees Free entitlement while the TTAF was covering the fees. TTAF start-date rules 2020
SAC3+ funded programmes
Industry-training-funded programmes
TTAF end-date rules 2022
SAC3+ funded learners that transitioned from TTAF to Fees Free at the end of 2022
Industry Training learners that transitioned from TTAF to Fees Free at the end of 2022