Reporting and monitoring – SSG
Reporting and monitoring – SSG
This page explains how tertiary education organisations report on the Special Supplementary Grant for Inclusive Education (SSG) and how we monitor their performance.
This page explains how tertiary education organisations report on the Special Supplementary Grant for Inclusive Education (SSG) and how we monitor their performance.
If you receive SSG funding, you must complete a report to show us how you use the funding.
Reporting requirements include:
- details of the tutorial support provided for each programme/activity
- the outcomes/benefits for learners
- how the funding was spent.
The reporting template for each year will be loaded to your DXP Ngā Kete. TEC will notify you directly when the template is uploaded. Please upload your completed report to DXP Ngā Kete no later than four working weeks after we notify you.
You can access the latest reports (sector-level view) below:
Special Supplementary Grant (SSG) funding report 2020 and 2021 (PDF 225 KB)
Special Supplementary Grant (SSG) funding report 2022 (PDF 197 KB)
We monitor TEOs’ performance and practices to understand their performance in the sector, and to inform our decisions about future funding.