Application and assessment – PTE Strategic Fund
Application and assessment – PTE Strategic Fund
Applications for 2024 funding from the PTE Strategic Fund closed on 7 July 2023. Information on this page relates to the previous funding round.
Applications for 2024 funding from the PTE Strategic Fund closed on 7 July 2023. Information on this page relates to the previous funding round.
To find out about the 2024 non-contestable allocation process, please see 2024 allocation of remaining funding.
How to apply
Applications to receive this funding in 2024 are open from 8 May 2023 to 7 July 2023.
Before you apply, please check your eligibility and what funding is available. If your PTE is eligible, fill out the application form for the fund you’re applying to (either NRSP or PDMF).
Important things to remember:
- You can submit at any time up to the deadline.
- Please read all of the application guidance document before you start. It gives instructions and advice on what to include in each section of your application.
- Your application, for either fund, may include multiple initiatives under that fund, but you must complete a separate section 2 and 3 for each proposed initiative.
- Please keep your application succinct and use the right template to apply.
Eligibility – PTE Strategic Fund
Plan guidance for 2024 describes our broader investment priorities including the NRSPs:
Plan Guidance for TEOs submitting Plans for funding from 1 January 2024 (PDF 7.1 MB)
Supplementary Plan Guidance will be published in early June and contain further details of WDC and RSLG priorities to guide your application.
Guidance to develop your Investment Plan
How to submit your application
Follow these steps to submit your application:
- Upload your completed proposal template, with any additional documentation or evidence to WorkSpace2 by 7 July 2023 with the document name [EDUMIS] – 2024 Strategic Fund Proposal.
- For any additional evidence, please name and number each document with the following: [Your EDUMIS] – 2024 Strategic Fund Evidence #1, [Your EDUMIS] – 2024 Strategic Fund Evidence #2, etc.
- Email with subject [EDUMIS] – 2024 Investment Plan documents to advise your proposal has been uploaded. If you are uploading your application as part of your other Investment Plan documents, please mention this in your email. Or, if uploading separately, please let us know that that other Investment Plan documents will be uploaded at a later date.
Our assessment process and criteria
An assessment panel will consider proposals based on the assessment criteria as well as value for money. Applications will be scored against each criterion and then ranked, based on their scores.
Assessment will use the following criteria:
- Relevance: The extent to which the proposal meets the criteria of the strategic component.
- Alignment: The extent to which the proposal aligns with the PTE’s wider operations, including delivery and learner components.
- Need: The extent to which the proposal will address identified need, including how key partners and stakeholders (eg, WDCs, industry, Māori and iwi) have and will be involved, and the extent to which it will complement and enable the network of provision.
- Capability and Value: Whether the PTE is able to deliver the proposal and its intended outcomes, including the extent to which the proposed funding demonstrates value for money comparable to similar proposals.
For PDMF applications, we may also seek confirmation from WDCs that your initiative aligns with their endorsement criteria. We will also consider the proposed mode of delivery for your proposal e.g., extramural, provider-based.
If the total value of applications we receive exceeds the funding we have available to award, how an application has scored during assessment, and the amount of funding available, will inform prioritisation.
In our assessment of proposals we will also consider whether the initiative proposed will support roles, industries and region specific needs that have been identified by WDCs and RSLGs. Our knowledge of WDC and RSLG priorities will be informed by the advice they provided to TEC in April. Providers can build their understanding of WDC and RSLG priorities through their individual websites and publications as well as through TEC’s Supplementary Plan Guidance which will be published in early June.
Guidance to develop your Investment Plan
What if we cannot fund your initiative?
We will provide feedback where a proposal is not funded, and you will be able to respond to the feedback as part of the Right of Response process.
If we are considering partially funding your application, we will contact you for a conversation about this. This will not be an opportunity to rewrite your proposal. The Customer Contact Group (CCG) and Relationship Managers are your points of contact.
Find out more about assessment criteria
You can find more on how the criteria will be assessed in the Assessment Criteria (PDF 174 KB).